What Can You Never Eat Again After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Foods to avoid after bariatric surgery are hard or dry red meat, fatty and high-fat foods, highly spicy or spicy foods, sugar alcohols, such as erythritol, glycerol, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol, and foods reheated in the microwave. After gastric bypass, high-fat meats, such as bacon, sausage, bologna, and salami should be completely avoided. Not only are these types of meat fatty and high in calories, but they can also cause digestive problems due to their rich fat content. Eating high-fat meats can cause more stomach discomfort and diarrhea.

Because your stomach is about the size of an egg after bariatric surgery, you'll need enough nutrition every day when making wise dietary choices. A diet for bariatric surgery involves avoiding foods that provide little or no nutritional value. This includes pastries, candy, potato chips, crackers, rice cakes and popcorn. If you eat these foods, you could end up malnourished or go back up of weight. Foods high in sugar or fried foods can cause a condition called “dumping syndrome”, in which these foods are deposited in the colon quickly after eating them.

Gastric evacuation syndrome causes weakness, cold sweats, nausea, and possibly vomiting and diarrhea. Some foods you eat may cause some pain or discomfort if you don't chew them completely. Some of them are pasta, rice, bread, raw vegetables and meats, especially steaks. It may be best to stay away from these types of foods, and you should consult your provider about this. Adding a low-fat sauce, broth or sauce can make them easier to digest.

Other foods that may cause discomfort include dry foods such as popcorn and nuts or fibrous foods such as celery and corn. Combining textured foods and proteins helps people who have undergone gastric bypass surgery to stay satisfied for longer. Dry crunchy foods are not recommended after gastric bypass surgery because they can be difficult to digest. The RNY gastric bypass is a powerful surgical procedure that helps achieve rapid and permanent weight loss. Gastric bypass is a major weight-loss surgery that helps reduce the amount of food you can eat and the amount of nutrients your body absorbs.

The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure involves creating a gastric pouch from a small portion of the stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine, bypassing a large part of the stomach and the duodenum. Gastric bypass involves a drastic change in the way food is absorbed by the body, and drinking alcohol after the procedure is not recommended. Laparoscopic bariatric procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy, biliopancreatic bypass, bariatric revision surgery, robotic surgery with gastric balloon and endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty should also be avoided if possible. If you decide to drink alcohol after gastric bypass surgery you should limit yourself to no more than 1 to 2 servings a day and avoid high-calorie drinks such as beer or wine coolers. Caffeine can cause dehydration and increase the risk of gastric reflux syndrome in people undergoing gastric bypass surgery.

Genevieve Szulimowski
Genevieve Szulimowski

Professional beer geek. Incurable twitter fanatic. Unapologetic zombie buff. Unapologetic social media trailblazer. Passionate webaholic.